Safari for macOS: Technology Preview loses support for Adobe Flash

For a long time, Mac users have been able to use the technology preview in addition to the normal version of Safari and test certain functions in front of other users – it’s a beta version, so to speak. Now there is a small, but certainly not unimportant message that is hidden in the release notes of version 99. 

Adobe already announced in 2017 that Flash would be buried – by the end of this year it should be ready. Steve Jobs leaned out the window a long time ago and claimed nobody needs Flash. He got a lot of malice for it, but was proven right. The Technology Preview now completely loses support for the Adobe tool.

The whole thing is certainly not a surprise, because Flash has not been pre-installed on Macs for a long time and also on other platforms and has to be banned onto the computer by hand. However, there are still far too many websites that use this technology and hopefully will soon turn to other, more modern options.